Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Good bye Ellie

Ellie is on her way to her new home. I am pleased with her new home, but will miss her. She gave me confidence and assured me that making softies was working for me. I just love it. It is funny how I feel when people ask me what I am making for craft fairs and I tell them "softies." I find myself trying to convince them that this is a valid craft and something people like. It reminds me of how I would apologize for a gift that I would give to someone, giving them permission to not like it. NOT GOOD! I need to, well want to, feel confident and sure of what I make. I sold so many at the fair that it ole Ellie has done her job. There are other people who find value and enjoy a homemade one of a kind cozy. Now....the next step....submit them to Somerset Magazine for their Softie addition. Scary!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!! She is adorable. I plan to dive into some crafts today with Jaelin and Ani - I'll let you know how it goes!
